


Spiritual Healing with Doris Spiritual Healing
Doris J. Howard (574) 596-0149 - Elkhart, IN 46516
Profile: Certified Soul Detective Practitioner, Finding the Spiritual Roots of Mental and Emotional Distress. Soul Detective work looks at the invisible world of spirit behind your problems and resolves the spiritual aspects involved.

Celebration of AwesomenessCoaching
Celebration of Awesomeness (317) 603-0886 - David Cunningham - 3263 N. New Jersey Street - Indianapolis, IN 46205*
Profile: Call for Free Coaching Consultation. Helping Others Heal, Grow and Own Their Own Greatness.

All My RelationsMetaphysical Store
All My Relations (317) 227-3925 - Heather Barrett - 1008 Main Street - Speedway, IN*
Proile: Huge 12,500 sq.ft. metaphysical super store, gift shop and the largest rock shop in the midwest! Check out our services and classes online. Drumming Circles.

Conscious Match Soul Mate DatingDating
Conscious Match USA
Profile: Always free to join and browse. Want to meet your Soul Mate? Connect worldwide and select all the parameters that are important to you. 10,000s of successful matches !

Healing Sacred SpaceIntuitive
Healing Sacred Space (970) 988-9941 - Trista Price - Bloomington, IN 47403
Profile: Sacred Space is a place to come when you're in need of connecting more deeply to your heart. Come for support, healing, love and guidance. Whether in person or over the phone, you will be supported and guided back to your inner wisdom. Intuitive, Reiki Master, Medium, Sacred Healing Breathwork Facilitator and more.

January 4, 2025
Rock Your World Psychic & Holistic ShowRock Your World Psychic & Holistic Expos (313) 412 -7690 - Laura Moody*
Profile: Do you have a skill, a gift, a talent, a special item that you want to share to help others? Then we want you to participate! Exhibiting at a Rock Your World Show will introduce you to potential customers who want what you have. Please call to find out more and book a booth. We have many Expos for you to Enjoy!
January 4, 2025 - Okemos Event Center - 2187 University Park Drive - Okemos, MI
January 11-12, 2025 - Cobblestone Plaza & Event Center - 9818 Cherry Valley Avenue SE - Caledonia, MI
January 18, 2025 - Cobblestone Plaza & Event Center - 9818 Cherry Valley Avenue SE - St. Clair Shores, MI
March 22-23, 2025 - 4-H Fairgrounds & Conference Center - 1900 E. Main Street - Danville, IN
March 29-20, 2025 - Kankakee Fairgrounds Expo Center - 213 W. 4000 Road - Kankakee, IL

February 10-12, 2025
GreenExpo (765) 494-8039 Jennifer Biehl and (317) 889-2382 - Donna Sheets - Crowne Plaza - Union Station - 123 W. Louisiana Street - Indianapolis, Indiana email

March 15-16, 2025
Good Journeys Expo (317) 750-7392 - Jeffrey Poe* email
March 15-16, 2025 - Hamilton County Fairgrounds - 2003 Pleasent Street - Noblesville, Indiana (March and October 18-19, 2025)
June 21-22, 2025- Johnson County Fairgrounds - 250 Fairground Street - Franklin, Indiana (southern)
March 21-22, 2026 - Hamilton County Fairgrounds - 2003 Pleasent Street - Noblesville, Indiana (March and October)

March 15-16, 2025
Healing Body and Spirit ExpoHealing Body & Spirit Expo (269) 903-6624 - John & Beverly Stephan - Wings Event Center ~ The Valley - 3600 Vanrick Drive - Kalamazoo, MI 49001* email
Profile: Experienced Healers, Mediums and Intuitives. Keynote Speaker. Angel Readers, Aura Readers, Body & Lightworkers, Aromatherapy, Astrology, Spirit Art, Numerology, Stones, Crystals, Jewelry. Please call for info. We'd love to have you! Held once per year in March.

April 25-27, 2025
Rock Your World Psychic & Holistic Expos (313) 412 -7690 - Laura Moody*
April 25-27, 2025 - Porter County Expo Center - 215 E. Division - Valparaiso, IN 46383
May 31 - June 1, 2025 - Kalamazoo County Expo Center - 2900 Lake Street - Kalamazoo, Michigan 49048

April 2025
Body Mind Spirit CelebrationBody Mind Spirit Celebration (541) 482-3722 - Sharonville Convention Center - Cincinnati, Ohio* email
Profile: Rediscover the Magic in the World and Yourself. Emerge into your brilliant future with the holistic community! Explore our incredible selection of the nation's finest psychics and mediums, the best in alternative health, wellness tools, products and resources. Then, expand your insights and take in learning sessions and presentations featuring psychics, experts and holistic practitioners at the top of their fields! You’ll have a blast and find just what you need so bring a friend & enjoy a fun, insight-filled weekend with us! Formerly Victory of Light. April and November.

May 17-18, 2025
Galactic Expo (816) 699-0299 - Sylvia* email
May 17-18, 2025 - State Fairgrounds - Expo 3 - 1701 Portland Avenue - Nashville, TN 37212
June 14-15, 2025 - 4H Henry County Fairgrounds - Danville - Indianapoils, IN

May 2025
Absolute Light Holistic FairAbsolute Light Holistic Fair (765) 412-3378 - Terri Steele - Tippecanoe County Fairgrounds - 1406 Teal Road, East Wing - Lafayette, Indiana email
Profile: Psychic & mediumship readings, massage and energy healings, crystals, handcrafted jewelry, gemstones, aura photography, and other types of readings, services, and products. Free workshops and presentations throughout the day. Check the website for the schedule of events.

April 18-20, 2025
American Gem, Mineral and Jewlery Show - Alan Koch
April 18-20, 2025 - Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds - 1900 East Main Street - Danville, IN 46122 (April and October)
May 2025 - Salem Civic Center - 1001 Roanoke Boulevard - Salem, VA 24153

June 7, 2025 - Coming Soon
Changing Lives GroupHarmonious Energies Healing Expo (513) 724 4325 (HEAL) - Brian Eastman - Unity of Garden Park - 4251 Hamilton Avenue - Cincinnati, OH
Profile: Sponsored by 3 Metaphysical churches, Harmonious Energies Holistic Expo offers you access to at least 18 Alt-Med Healers, Readers, Psychics and Mediums. In addition the Expo will feature vendors of Alt-Med and Metaphysical products. Admission: $5/person. For more information or to register for a booth go to

September 27-28, 2025
Trinity Health Freedom Expo 1-888-658-3976 - Julie Kline -  Embassy Suites Hotel & Conference Center - Plainfield, IN (Indianapolis)* email

September 2025
Spirit Fest (765) 378-0235 - Kim Wolsiffer - Historic Camp Chesterfield - 50 Lincoln Drive - Chesterfield, Indiana* email

October 18-19, 2025 - Coming Soon
Dinner With The PsychicsSpiritness Festival (248) 677-7906 - Lynne - Delaware County Fairgrounds - Heartland Hall - 1210 N. Wheeling Avenue - Muncie, IN * email
Profile: Door Prizes and Speakers. Psychics, Bodyworkers, Energywork, Crystals, Jewelry, Essential Oils and More. Meditations and Classes. Please call to get a booth !

October 22, 2025 - Coming Son
Dinner with the PsychicsDinner with the Psychics (248) 677-7906 - Lynne - Delaware County Fairgrounds - Heartland Hall - 1210 N. Wheeling Avenue - Muncie, IN * email
Profile: Ever wanted to talk to a live psyhic or medium? Bring your questions, keepsakes or pictures of Loved Ones. Includes a reading. $40/person, 5-8 pm. Call for details or to RSVP.

November 2025
Holistic Hub Well Being Fest (317) 775-1418 - Jennifer Seffrin and Jacey Wuhrman - Bitwell Center- 950 South White River Parkway West - Indianapolis, IN*

Submit Your Event

Courtesy Listings
More Indiana listings

Acupuncture Wellness of Indy (317) 240-8009 - Shane Haggard - 101 N Girls School Road - Indianapolis, IN*

Larry Jagers (317) 541-0500 - 6502 E. 56th Street - Indianapolis, IN 46226*


Essential Wellbeings (317) 413-0766 - Melissa Bunce - 7313 Oaklandon Road - Indianapolis, IN 46236

Art, Transformational

Domont Gallery (317) 685-9634 - John Domiont - Indianapolis, IN*

Art Therapy

Interplay Healing Arts(317) 474-6498 -Martine Faist - 2555 East 55th Place, Suite 201 - Indianapolis, IN 46220*

Aura Photography

Celestial Dawning (317) 679-5225 - Jason Baker - Indianapolis, IN*


Balanced Alignment (317) 721-9109 - Daryl Roberts - 3306 Kenilworth Drive - Indianapolis, Indiana 46228*


Spero Novo Center for Natural Health (765) 271-3794 - Rebekah Mozzone - Indianapolis, IN*


Bioenergetics / New Age Technics (317) 773-0061 - Robert or Marietta Pickett - 26715 Devaney Road (E.58) - Atlanta, IN 46031*

Good Journeys House of Healing (317) 750-7392 - Jeffrey Poe and Mary Bannon - 17901 River Avenue - Noblesville, Indiana*

Balanced Soul (317) 694-1411 - 6510 Cornell Avenue, Suite A - Jennifer Foley - Indianpolis, IN*

Holistic Wellness and Medical Center (317) 608-6090 - Randee Miller and Chad Sperry - Indianpolis, IN*

Om hOMe World (463) 207-3938 - Allison Harris - 6516 Ferguson Street - Indianapolis, IN*

Chiropractor, Holistic

Chiropractic and Wellness Center (317) 580-9867 - Becky Troyer - 1305 W. 96th Street, Suite C - North Side - Indianapolis, IN 46260*

Eaton Chiropratic (317) 594-2018 - Abby Eaton - 6925 E. 96th Street, Suite 125 - Indianapolis, IN 46250*

Eve Earley (317) 257-7282 - 6344 Kingsley Drive (Broad Ripple) - Indianapolis, IN 46220*

Mangas Chiropractic (317) 247-1717 - Steven Mangas - 6699 Rockville Road - Indianapolis, IN*

Smiley Family Chiroractic (317) 228-9701 - Steve Smiley - 8870 Zionsville Road, Suite B - Indianapolis, IN 46268 *


Endangered Species Chocolate Company 1-800-293-0160 or (513) 276-7917- Shannon - 5846 W. 73rd. Street - Indianapolis, IN 46278*


Progressive Spiritualist Church (317) 255-4902 - Don Treadwell - 2201 E 54th Street - Indianapolis, IN 46220*

Psychic Science Spiritualist Church (317) 634-1430 - Kathy Carrel - 1415 N. Central Avenue - Indianapolis, IN 46202*

Unitarian Universalist Church (317) 283-4760 - Jamie Hinson-Rieger - Indianapolis, IN*

Unity of Indianapolis (317) 635-4066 - Carla Golden - 907 N. Delaware Street - Indianapolis, IN 46217*

Cleaning, Eco Friendly

Classic Cleaners (317) 845-5244 - 8071 Knue Road - Indianapolis, IN


Celebration of AwesomenessCelebration of Awesomeness (317) 603-0886 - David Cunningham - 3263 N. New Jersey Street - Indianapolis, IN 46205*
Profile: Call for Free Coaching Consultation. Helping Others Heal, Grow and Own Their Own Greatness.

Coffee Bar

Pharm Free Life (317) 842-4223 - Amanda - 5361 E. 82nd Street - Indianapolis IN 46250*


Natural Rejuvenation (317) 243-3550 - Terri Hawkins - 5044 E. 10th Street - Indianapolis, IN 46201*

Counselor, Holistic

Burgess Counseling and Consulting (317) 840-0490 - Nicole Burgess - 11600 E. Washington Street #29490 - Indianapolis, IN 46229*

Family Tree Counseling Associates (317) 966-5108 - Angela Capretti - 2160 W 86th Street, Suite 201 - Indianapolis, IN 46260*

Gloria Linville (317) 624-8144 - Indianapolis, IN*

Heather Meyer (317) 603-0995 - Dyamic Wisdom - 951 E. 86th Street, Suite 100-C - Indianapolis, IN 46240*

Soaring Heart Center (317) 670-8200 - Kathy Slaughter - 819 East 64th Street, Suite 242 - Indianapolis, IN 46220*


Integrated Therapeutics (317) 523-8440 - Melissa Smurdon - 9301 N. Meridian Street, Suite 260 - Indianapolis, IN 46260*

Crystal Workshops

AhhHarmony (630) 854-0935 - Sylvia Stone - 55 S. State #352 - Indianapolis, IN*

Day Spa

Biz Aveda Spa Salon (317) 631-2775 - 630 Fletcher Ave - Indianapolis, IN*

La Beaute Spa Du Jour (317) 872-3380 - 3940 W. 96th Street - Indianapolis, IN

Enroute Spa (317) 240-1050 - Erin Humphreys - Internaional Airport - 7800 Col H Weir Cook Memorial Drive #24 - Indianapolis, IN 46241*

Life Spa (317) 915-3589 - 8705 Castle Creek Parkway - Indianapolis, IN 46250*

Dentist, Holistic

Caryn Guba / Harris (317) 894-4253 - Midwest Integrative Dental - 44 Yorkshire Boulevard - Indianapolis, IN*


Indy Holistic Hub - Jennifer Seffrin - Indianpolis, IN*

Doctor, Holistic

Melissa Laborsky - 7771 Spring Mill Road - Indianapolis IN 46260*

Doctor, Osteopath

William Starsiak and Lisa Martin (317) 410-9978 - 3955 Eagle Creek Parkway, Suite A - Indianpolis, IN 46254*

Dream Work

Navigating Your Dreams (317) 755-8659 - Meredith Eastwood - 7873 Cearwater Parkway - Indianpolis, IN 46240*

EMF Balancing

Clinical Body Energetic Therapy (317) 545-2546 - Linda Carter - near Broad Ripple - Indianapolis, IN*


Hoosier Environmental Council (HEC) (317) 686-4794 or (317) 685-8800 - 1002 East Washington, Suite 300 - Indianapolis, IN 46202*

Jolisa Clare (765) 382-6996 - 6620 Parkdale Place, Suite J - Indianapolis, In 46254

Functional Medicine

NuerOHealth and Functional Medicine (317) 848-6000 - Ralston and Gafken - 9302 N. Meridian Street, Suite 299 - Indianapolis, IN* (free 10 minute consult)

Wholistic Nutrition (317) 429-0111 - Anass Sentissi - 621 Fort Wayne Avenue - Indianapolis, IN 46204*

Hair Care, Natural Products

Evolve Salon (317) 536-8658 - Curtis Holland - 211 S Ritter Avenue, Suite A - Indianapolis, IN 46204*

Health Food Store

Artisano's Oils and Spices - Indianapolis, IN

Georgetown Market (317) 293-9525 - 4375 Georgetown Road - Indianapolis, IN (organic produce, juice bar, deli, mail orders)

Good Earth Natural Food Company (317) 254-8604 - 6350 Guilford Avenue- Indianapolis, In 46220*

Nature's Market (317) 876-3131 - 1470 W. 86th St (86th & Ditch) - Indianapolis, Indiana 46260 (since 1991)

Health Freedom

Stand for Health - Leah Wilson - 1460 W 86th Street - Indianapolis, IN 46260*


Medicine Woman Training (317) 255-3972 - Audrey Barron - Wild Moon Acres - Indianapolis, IN*

Rosanne Runau (317) 280-8883 - Indianapolis, IN 46228*

Juice Bare

Pure-trition (317) 775-2655 - 1957 N. College Avenue - Indianapolis, IN

Lab on Demand (317) 405-8057 - 9240 N. Meridian Street, Suite 120 - Indianapolis, IN

Lawn Care

Good Nature Organic Lawn Care (317) 599-4620 - 5737 Park Plaza Court - Indianapolis, IN

Life Coach

How to Find Your Joy (317) 409-4981 - Kim Woods - P.O. Box 39098 - Indianapolis, IN 46239*

Innerworks 4 A Better Life (317) 370-3214 - Cedric L. King - 6331 N. Keystone, Suite A - Indianapolis, IN 46220 (Broadripple)*

Whole Loving Wellness - Kathryn Hessler - Indianapolis, IN*


Diversified Wellness (317) 441-7769 - 7210 Madison Avenue, Suite F - Indianapolis IN 46227

Harmonic Hands (317) 847-4325 - Allison Harris - 5106 Winthrop Avenue - Indianapolis, IN 46205*

Power of Touch (317) 283-1152 - Dave Graf - 120 E. 43rd Street - Indianapolis, IN*

Linda Tate (317) 594-2018 or (317) 752-2187 - A Peaceful Path - 815 Main Street - Indianapolis, IN 46220 (Broad Ripple)*

Matt Winings (317) 721-9606 - 1060 N. Capitol Avenue - Indianapolis, IN*


Jamie Hardesty (317) 600-8451 - 5836 Parterra Drive - Indianapolis, IN 46237*

Joy Light Center - Joy - P.O. Box 5 - Fairland, IN 46126*

Metaphysical Store
All My RelationsAll My Relations (317) 227-3925 - Heather Barrett - 1008 Main Street - Speedway, IN*
Proile: Huge 12,500 sq.ft. metaphysical super store, gift shop and the largest rock shop in the midwest! Check out our services and classes online. Drummig Circle.
Metaphysical Store

Inner Path (317) 883-1100*
Debra Knoll - 1484 W. 86th Street - Indianapolis, IN 46260 (north)
Chris Speck - 7673 Shelby Street - Indianapolis, IN 46227 (south)

Metaphysical Store

Pyramid of Enlightenment (317) 899-7590 - Rita Williams - 8101 E. Washington Street, Suite B - Indianapolis, IN 46219*

Metaphysical Store

Raven's Metaphysical & Books (317) 787-8288 - Jeff Britt - 2016 E. Southport Road, Suite 1 - Indianapolis, IN 46227*

Motion Therapy

Get Well Indy (317) 430-4468 - Michael Fischer - 6344 Kingsley Drive - Indianapolis, IN 46220*


Benedict Inn Retreat and Conference Center (317) 788-7581 - Sister Carol Faulkner - 1402 Southern Avenue - Beech Grove, IN 46107
Profile: Available for private meetings and events or come for your own personal retreat. Labyrinth, Yoga, Classes, Hildegard Von Bingen, Bison Publications, Chapel, Giftshop and Gardens.


Dragonfly 360 (317) 818-1800 - Melanie MacLaren - Nora's Northview Mall - 1724 E. 86th Steet - Indianapolis, IN*


Life Path Numerology Center (317) 638-9752 - Daniel Hardt - 108 South Elder Avenue - Indianapolis, IN 46222-4522*


Marilene Isaacs (317) 259-8001- Center of Peace - 8011 Westfield Boulevard - Indianapolis, IN*

Psychologist, Holistic

Lisa Arick (317) 506-5161 - 819 E. 64th Street, Suite 248 - Indianapolis, IN 46220 (Broad Ripple)*

Indianapolis Gestalt Institute (317) 843-0717 - Anne Bowman / Steve Roberts - 9292 N. Meridian, Suite 311 - Indianapolis, IN 46260*

Hakomi Therapy (317) 254-1113 - Ron Kurtz / Karla Ryan - Indianpolis, IN*

Rusty Moe (317) 430-4392 - 5027 Fieldstone Trail - Indianapolis, IN 46254*

Raw Food

Reinventing Wellness (317) 408-0110 - Sarah Stout - 8725 Gordonshire Drive - Indianapolis, IN 46278*


The Healing Room (317) 205-1580 - Amy Barr - 1111 East 54th Street, Suite 126 - Indianapolis, IN 46220 (Broad Ripple)*

Reiki Center of Indiana (317) 259-4599 - Connie Bunting - 1111 E. 54th Street #139 - Indianapolis, IN 46220*

Reiki Training, Virtual

Reiki One - Teri Barnett - Indianapolis, IN 46220*

Restaurant, Healthy

India Palace Restaurant (317) 298-0773 - 4213 Lafayette Road - Indianapolis, IN 46254*

Star of India (317) 465-1100 - Singh Family - Broad Ripple Center - 1043 Broad Ripple Avenue - Indianapolis, IN 46220* (great lunch buffet)


Franciscan Hermitage Spiritual Center (317) 545-0742 - Pam Naville / Justin Belitz - 3650 East 46th Street - Indianapolis, IN*


Indy Salt Cave (317) 991-4921 - 8899 Kent Avenue - Indianapolis, IN*


Christian Theological Seminary (317) 924-1331 or 1-800-585-0108 - 1000 W. 42nd Street -Indianapolis, IN (they welcome all faiths)


School of Metaphysics (317) 251-5285 - 6138 North Hillside - Indianapolis, IN*

Spiritual Counseling

Soul Evolve (317) 258-9844 - Laura Rain - Broad Ripple - Indianapolis, IN*

Wonderland Guidance (317) 210-0890 - Alison - 508 Lincoln Street, Suite T - Indidanapolis, IN*

Spiritual Healing

Harmony Healings (260) 251-9384 - Harmony Nixon - Indianapolis, IN*

Medicine Heart Woman (317) 253-7357 - Ananaia O'Leary - 6108 College Avenue (Broadripple) - Indianapolis, IN 46220*

Trust The Journey (317) 813-9287 - Laurie Callahan - Indianapolis, IN 46256*


ThermoVision Clinical Thermography (317) 306-6622 - Genie Goykhberg - 3815 River Crossing Parkway, Suite 100 - Indianapolis, IN 46240*


Pet Pals Holistic Veterinary Hospital (317) 257-1761 - Julie Towle and Natalie Olden-Stahl - 8503 Westfield Boulevard - Indianapolis, IN 46240*


City Yoga (317) 920-YOGA - Nikki Myers - Lincoln Park South - 3766 North Meridian - Indianapolis, IN*

Yoga, online

Inner Peace Yoga (317) 257-YOGA - Carol and Charles Crenshaw - Indianapolis, IN*

Body Mind Spirit DIRECTORY - Holistic Health , Natural Healing , Events